Sunday, March 18, 2007

Kamen Meets Aliens #1

After being attacked by a crazy British man desperate enough for Naruto Voume 12 that he was actually plucking out his hair, I noticed that Kamen was laughing, the kind of laughing that made me wonder if he peed his pants or not.

"What the hell are you laughing at, Hippie?" I ask him as he is doubling over in a fit of giggles.

After he is able to breathe again, he proceeds to tell me that a man wearing a brown shirt came up to the counter, stopped and in a daze like way, started to look around the store.
Prompted by the desire to get rid of him, Kamen asked "Yes? Can I help you?"
The brown shirted man looked at him, widened his eyes, and then with a whole body jerk, barked out "Aliens!"
"I'm sorry?" Kamen replied, surprised, yet curious.
The man turned his head around very slowly, before turning back and making eye contact. Again his whole body gave a convulsive jerk as he spat out: "Aliens! The one that you open up the head and discs come out"
"I'm sorry but we don't have that one....."
The man with the brown shirt let his lower lip pout out, before sighing dejectedly and shuffling out of the store.

"How old was he?" I ask.
"Early thirties I'd excuse me, I have to go change my pants" Kamen said laughing his head off as he opened the storeroom door.

I only work one day a week, and yet I made it to the second post!

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