Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Totally tame Tuesday

Well, generally Tuesday's are a quiet one here in the depths of hell.

Day was off to a good start until Herr Starr's stalker began doing laps outside the store around 8.55am. What would it be this time? "Hey Starr, you're so cool. Where'd you get your glasses cool dude. I wanna be cool like you so i get the ladies dude", which is pretty much the general jist of conversation once said stalker has tracked down dazed stalkee. Advantage Zatanna! Upon spying me, being a girl and i believe he has mortal fear of women, he shuffled off to return later that morning.

I began my morning routine of checking email and opening up when i am forced to stop and wish death upon all pirates. Why you might ask? Ok, it's early, i am caffeine deprived, email deprived and alone in the store. Who strolls in but abusive pirate guy, resplendant in full head bandana and doused in "eau de pine-o-clean". Did i mention he also reads with his finger. COME ON.....he READS with his FINGER. I haven't seen that since grade school. After mumbling some inaudible crap about the latest Durham Red trade (i typed his random speech into Wikideciphercrazytalk.com) he begins playing, once again, with his belly piercing. At least this time it wasn't removed in full view and put back in again. Is this meant to turn me on?

Pirate guys struts out after Her Starr arrives with coffee and his typical morning snarl and i ponder what today shall bring. A couple of non eventful hours pass and after an old lady at the card counter near shouts at me that she needs some baseball cards for her grandson...."no i DON'T know his favourite player just show me what you have", i decide today is attack of the angry distant family member, begrudgingly forced to buy some kind of present for child/grandchild/boyfriend. This is somewhat reinforced by the middle aged asian lady desperate for "Spida-ma" while making crazy hand gestures that, if i hadn't seen them so many times before, would not equate with "an action figure of this size". Or "doll" as i love them being referred to.

Now it wouldn't be a regular Tuesday without a visit from " The Master", who today seemed none too pleased about the latest Teen Titans issue....a fact he felt necessary to shout at the page. After stifling a giggle i turn to Yojimbo who you should all know ALWAYS plays it cool. He and i began conversing about the 360. Now obviously during my giggle fest i failed to remember one of our top unspoken rules....NEVER talk gaming in front of "The Master". Ears prick up and he starts to shuffle on over whilst i reminisce the golden days of Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle. Sensing i was in another nostalgia induced high, Yojimbo thankfully had the cunning to pull his "oh god i'm really terrified, he's coming over here face" and blurt out some completely non related gibberish until "The Master" had begun to retreat.

Another crisis averted thanks to his stealthy ninja skills.....which also won him a brand spanking new phone....

One crazy stinky guy with spit in his beard and one random wanting Yojimbo to cash in a scratchy later and it's hometime for me. I bid a hasty adieu and run for the hills.

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