Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Achilles, the Albino and the Robots from Star Wars.

Earlier that day....I had to deal with Achilles again...I am going to let this one rip like a band-aid. Ready? First of all, he had a friend with him, a once-blonde, albino-eyed middle aged man, with an evil Santa Claus smile and greasy sleazy mitts, who reeked of Mafia. Said Mafia Albino, dumps a whole bunch of Walt Disney comics in front of me. At first I didn't see Achilles, which is a pretty hard thing to accomplish since he stinks of cigars, and wriggles his moustache in that nervous way most narcotic addicts do. I soon realised my foolishness for not being alert and ready at all times.
Me: Just these?
Albino: Yes.
Me: That will be $30
Achilles: HEY! You don't pay. I pay with discount! The glare he gives me is cold and possibly lethal, but...more importantly...He's back? I thought while staring at his stony face. How? Where? God. Why me? Is it because I told that blue haired emo to get his stick thin ass off the floor in a rude manner? Surely not, or was it because I told a man pushing a pram that was knocking everyone about to leave his child somewhere that wasn't so damn annoying? What?
I slowly nod: "Yes you get a discount"
Albino: $30? What? The prices on the comic are not the real prices? What's going on here?
He taps the counter with a heavy hand full of bling.
Me: (nervously) No Sir, they are the American prices. Achilles, the discount is on the computer.
Achilles: OK. I buy this too.
He literally puts his hand behind him and blindly grabs the large box that holds a twin replica set of both R2D2 and C3-P0. Again with the fucking Star Wars, George Lucas you have spawned enough evil, I clench my fist underneath the counter and smile.
Me: Sure. With your discount the total is $280
Albino: (leans towards the counter, getting too close to my face) You sure miss? Sounds awfully like a small discount, are you definite?
Achilles: Bah. They don't give me more.
Me: I can't give you more! My boss will not allow more, it's a saving of $60 bucks! That's awesome. Right?...
I end my sentence in mid trail and with enough mustered hope that was all dusty from my own personal misuse. Achilles frowns and the Albino begins to laugh a deep belly laugh.
Albino: Oh ho ho ho. You look so flustered, it's okay we were teasing!
Achilles greases a smile and tried to give me an eye twinkle, but it looks more like the dim eye of Death, I recoil subtly and my fake smile stays in place. Phew.
Achilles then pulls out a fat wad of $100 bills. More than 5 thousand, easy.
Achilles: Okay girl, I pay you, you deliver to Joe.
I throw a desperate glance at Zatanna, oh come on! Some help here! But she kept chatting to a customer oblivious to my pain. I slowly turn back to Archilles and take the $300 dollars he is holding out to me, all in crisp $100 bills. I inspect them, hoping to see some evidence of being counterfeit, or at least some narcotic traces but they were real and clean.
Achilles: Hey Girl! We take the comics now, but Joe is expecting you with the box. Go now and don't disappoint me.
I quickly put through the sale and hold out the change.
: $20 change, but Sir, you know that I can't be held responsible once they leave the store..
Achilles: What's wrong with you? You want to get mugged? You waitin' to get mugged? Just go!
Me: (mumbling) Ok...here's your change.
Achilles: What? Just go!
He takes hold of the Albino by the back and leads him towards the door.
Me: Wait! What of your money?
Achilles: Bah. Don't bother me, just don't ask for trouble.
I clutch the money in my hand and seethe. I am not auditioning to be one of your cronies in your mafia gang you silly little drug fucked man. What on earth is this? I turn and tell Zatanna who laughs so hard she has to lean on the counter and wipe little trails of tears. Oh what a dear friend you are...I grab the white large bag and storm out of the store. It's freezing and everyone is staring at me lugging this giant box in my thin work shirt. I don't need this!
When I get to Joe's, I see a gang of three men in leather jackets and gold chains playing cards. Joe is once again standing with his arms crossed over. I step into the smoke filled room. All the while picturing violins playing and expecting at any moment one of them will stand up from their card playing with a gun. I put the bag on the counter and slam down the money. Joe raises an eyebrow. "For Archilles?" he drawls.
I laugh a little too loudly, one of the men shakes his head slowly and starts rubbing his chin.
"Yes Yes. But he forgot his change you see..."
Joe: Something wrong with the money?
All three of the men look up.
I stammer: "Oh no no...he gave me too much.."
All four of them start to laugh. I swallow.
"I have it here with his receipt, just make sure he gets it, I guess..."
Joe: "You don't want it?"
Me: "No, No..it's not my money.."
All three men stand up and tower over me.
Joe: Achilles might have given you a tip?
I look at all the men staring at me.
Me: Ha...ha..uh...ha...no...I couldn't possibly...
Joe: You're OK. I'll keep it for him.
All the men sit down and go back to their cards.
Me: Thank you...Thanks guys...bye now..
I run out of the store, coughing.
I probably should have kept the money, what's the worst that could have happened? Waking up the next day with a severed Darth Vader head next to my pillow? I felt like a drug runner, already picturing the men ripping apart R2D2 and stuffing him with cocaine ready to sell on Ebay. God dammit Ming! Dealing with drug lords and selling them overpriced Star Wars figures is not in my contract!

1 comment:

Dr Nic said...

Awesome! Let them know I'm available for leg-breaking if needed.

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