Friday, July 20, 2007

Flying Dutchman Part Deuce: The Freakening.

Ok, It's shipment day today. Not only is it Friday, and a day late, but we are all tired, all sick, all dealing with our own shit and none of us particularly want to work an eleven hour shift today.

"Good Lady Young Morning" *snort*
Please god no, please god no, please god no. It CAN'T be, it's too early for you. I've had no coffee and i'm all alone.
*sigh* I raise my eyes to look at the distorted chuckling face of the Dutchman.

"oh i have just missed you so much i couldn't bear to stay away" *snort*
I laugh uncomfortably.
"See, that is what we men do, say things in a funny voice to hide our hidden desires"
What now? I glance at my watch. I know it's only 10.30 but SURELY April will come strolling through the door any moment to field this unwanted crazy. I am sick and i am grumpy and the last thing i want is a grown man garbling at me in Yoda speak.....something i have no patience for even when it's Yoda, DURING in Star Wars.

"Please to tell me if there is anything good coming in this week". Scans the list. "Dark Xena, what is this DARK Xena? And Pain Killer Jane? Is this like Valium Fixer?" Deep chortling laugh.

He looks down. Gasps. "Dear GOD. Is THAT where Batman's been hiding all this time. Lucky comfy bastard. This is my envy voice"

I cringe. Look down. Remove the Batman from my shirt. He's never going back. Trouble and i are through.

In his best Terminator voice... "I am off now....I'll be back"

Well guess what? I won't be here. I am signing off to shower myself under the water cooler out back. NOTHING warrants this pre coffee. It's gonna be a looooong day.

1 comment:

Dr Nic said...

Ah – creeptacular!

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