Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gaping Chest

You know, when I come back to work after a very refreshing productive weekend. I do not want to see a middle aged man wearing a Hawaain shirt, gaping open, but carefully buttoned at his waist. Mainly because I do not want to see a xylophone-like chest, so thin you can actually see the heart beating weakly, almost like it doesn't want to work anymore. Like it knows it's not worth it. It's just too fucking depressing.
But that aside, I could've overlooked it. Had he not chosen to talk to me.

"Do you know when the next issue of Heavy Metal is due in?"
"Is it this week?" I ask no-one in particular while looking at the new release list. Yojimbo's ears prick up, and he looks around at the gaping toothy face of the bare chested man I have before me, and his head quickly snaps back to stare at the wall.
"Ah no it's not...sorry, perhaps next week. Just keep your eyes peeled for the next release list" I say dismissively whilst mentally seething at Yojimbo's once again cunning ability to palm off the freaks to me. Silent but efficient. It's his style.
"I'll try...but you know it's the only thing I collect these days...." he trails off looking at me expectantly.
I sigh. Here we go.
"I used to collect all those" he says, waving his hand at all of the Marvel wall. "But I couldn't do it anymore, it was the sudden realisation that I was old that did it."
Sudden? I make a jerking motion with my head that was neither a nod nor a shake of the head. Get the point old man, and for godsake button up your shirt.
"I'm so old".
"Ah.." I say looking around for a distraction.
"One day...I just got old...but I just can't give up Heavy Metal." He looks down at the floor and walks slowly out.

Yojimbo looks at me and says "Thank god I didn't get him"
"Just shut up. I had to look at his NIPPLES for godsake. His NIPPLES."

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