Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Aside....

Now, as much as you all say you don't, everyone loves a celebrity. We all get a little giggly and star struck (well at least "I" do) when we come face to face with someone we know.

I have decided, as we work in the sydney hub and are therefore prone to have the occassional celebrity shopper, to air their dirty "comic book" laundry.

Thus far i have had the pleasure of coming in contact with:

Cooheed and Cambria: Walking Dead, Wolverine and other assorted Marvel crap

Mars Volta: These boys know how to spend some serious dollars. Racking up almost a grand between them on Vertigo, DC, Top shelf and Fantagraphics titles.

Will Anderson: Daredevil trades, Buffy Season 8 singles

Xzibit: Punisher and Spidey singles (complete with cheeky grin and charming personality)

Simon Day (if anone even remembers Ratcat.....COME ON people......): actually, you know what? I don't even care what he reads. My childhood crush has been forever shattered by the day he asked me, in a whiny nasally voice, for a plastic bag some seven years ago.

That guy fom the Hard Ons, you know, the one with the dredds - cool guy, polite, likes Neil Gaiman from what i gather.

Back in the Fox days his would have been a mediocre list at best, but come on, we're scraping the bottom of the barrel here with celebs willing to walk down Pitt st in broad daylight and admit that they, too, love the comic book.

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